Latter NT OÜ was founded in 2002 and is 100% based on Estonian capital.
Its main activities are designing young cattle barns (tethering, bedding materials, slyrry handling equipment, drinking devices, ventilation equipment, lighting, door systems, etc).
Latter exports substantial part of its production to Finland, Russia, Belorus and Latvia, the average sales during the past five year being 27,3 percent of company's total turnover.
The number of employees is currently 24, the CEO of the company, Mr Taavi Rabal has 17 years of experience in designing and constructon of modern cattle barns. Latter is the market leader in its field in Estonia.
- In 2005 close collaboration was established with a German company Beerepoot, which continues to this day.
- In 2006 the company visited World Dairy Expo Fair in the U.S. which laid the foundation for tense collaboration with two U.S. and one Canadian leading farm equipment manufacturers.
- In 2006 company's ownership changed, the new owners ar Taavi Raba with 60% and Taavi Jaaniste with 40% of equity.
- In 2007 a new production unit and warehouse was purchaced in Ambla.
- In 2007 first project were delivered to Latvia.
- In 2008 production was started in the new production unit.
- 2008 collaboration with the first partner in Russia.
- 2009 first partner in Belorus.
- 2009 entering the Finnish market, starting direct sales to Finnish farmers.
- 2009 Latter survived the economic depression thanks to export, which formed 40% of the year's turnover.
- In 2010 20 barns were designed and constructed in Estonia, 8 in Finland and a substantial number of ventilation equipment and rubber covers to Belorus.
- By 2011 the company's turnover had grown in comparison with 2004 66,8 times and exceeded 4 million Euros.
- In 2011 sales manager for Finnish market was recruited.
- In 2011 Latter became a member of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- In 2012 more industrial land was purchased in Ambla and a construction of a new warehouse was started.
- The new warehouse was opened in 2013 providing 1000 m² (6000m3) of extra storage space.
- In 2013 the sales volume in Finland increased by 55%.
- 2013 the largest to date barn complex equipping contract was signed.
- In 2014 the applications for ISO 9001:2008 and ISO14001:2004 ere submitted.
- In 2014 equipment was provided to the biggest barn complex in Estonia, designed for 2200 diary cows. The overall complex is intended in future for 3300 cows, young cattle not included.
Successful Estonian Company award
- 2008 Good (A)
- 2010 Good (A)
- 2011 Excellent (AAA)
- 2012 Excellent (AAA)
- 2013 Excellent (AAA)
- 2014 Very Good (AA)
- 3rd place among the companies of Järvamaa granted by the Estonian business paper Äripäev.
- Competition "The best company in Järvamaa county in 2008" in the category of small enterprises III place.
- Competition "The best company in Järvamaa county in 2009" in the category of small enterprises I place.
- In 2011 Latter became a member of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.